1st of August 2023
Alpine JS: The final piece of reactivity for the TALL Stack
Discover Alpine.js, a lightweight JavaScript framework that complements the TALL stack, offering simplicity and efficiency in frontend development. Learn how Alpine.js integrates seamlessly with Tailwind CSS, Laravel, and Livewire, providing a powerful solution for modern web applications.

The dynamic landscape of web development is continually evolving, witnessing the emergence of diverse frameworks and libraries to cater to the needs of modern web applications. Among these contenders, Alpine JS has carved a prominent niche for itself as a lightweight and user-friendly JavaScript framework. While Alpine JS holds its ground as an excellent choice for most websites, its true potential shines through when paired with Livewire. This powerful coupling is reinforced by the fact that both Alpine JS and Livewire were created by Caleb Porzio, establishing a strong synergy between the two technologies.
The TALL stack, an acronym for Tailwind CSS, Alpine JS, Laravel, and Livewire, has been gaining traction as a modern alternative to the traditional LAMP and MEAN stacks, we have written about it here. Each component in the TALL stack brings a unique set of features and benefits, with Alpine JS standing out as an essential frontend tool that complements Livewire, a powerful PHP-based backend framework. Let's delve into what Alpine JS is and how it fits seamlessly into the TALL stack.
What is Alpine JS?
Alpine JS is a JavaScript framework designed for developers who prefer a minimalistic approach to frontend development. Unlike heavier alternatives like React or Vue.js, Alpine JS weighs in at a mere 7kb (minified and gzipped). It focuses on providing declarative syntax and the ability to enhance existing HTML, rather than completely replacing it.
At its core, Alpine JS is based on a few fundamental principles:
- Declarative Syntax: Alpine JS leverages HTML attributes to control behaviour, making it easy for developers to understand and work with the codebase.
- Minimal Learning Curve: As Alpine JS primarily works with standard HTML and a few custom attributes, developers familiar with HTML and JavaScript can quickly get up to speed with the framework.
- No Build Step Required: Alpine JS doesn't require complex build processes, making it an attractive option for projects that don't need the additional overhead of a build toolchain.
- Framework Agnostic: Alpine JS is independent of any specific backend or frontend framework, allowing it to be easily integrated into existing projects.
Alpine.js in the TALL Stack
When combined with Tailwind CSS, Laravel, and Livewire, Alpine JS completes the TALL stack, offering an end-to-end solution for building modern web applications. Here's how Alpine JS fits seamlessly within the TALL stack:
- Complementing Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS provides a utility-first approach to styling, giving developers a vast array of pre-defined classes to quickly style elements. Alpine JS takes advantage of this by using these classes to control element behaviour and interactivity without the need for additional JavaScript.
- User Interactivity with Alpine JS: Alpine JS shines when it comes to creating interactive elements in your web application. It enables developers to easily add features like dropdowns, modals, toggle buttons, and more, all within the HTML markup using the Alpine JS directives.
- Enhancing Livewire Components: Livewire, a Laravel package for building reactive interfaces, benefits from Alpine JS' capabilities. While Livewire handles backend interactivity, Alpine JS can handle the frontend interactivity, allowing developers to leverage the best of both worlds without compromising simplicity.
- Efficient and Fast: With Alpine JS being lightweight, it ensures that your web application remains performant, loading quickly and providing a smooth user experience.
Getting Started with Alpine JS
To begin using Alpine JS in your TALL stack project, follow these simple steps:
- Include Alpine JS: Start by including Alpine JS in your project. You can either download it directly from the official website or use a package manager like npm or yarn to install it.
- Add Alpine JS Directives: Utilise Alpine JS directives to add interactivity to your HTML elements. For example, use
to define your data,x-show
to toggle element visibility, andx-on
to bind events. - Combine with Livewire Components: Use Alpine JS alongside Livewire components to handle the frontend and backend logic efficiently, resulting in a more organised and maintainable codebase.
A simple Livewire component with Alpine JS
As noted above, here at Camino Dev like to use Alpine JS as a final sprinkle of javascript to compliment Livewire. This provide a slicker user experience, using Javascript when we want instantaneous interactions and using Livewire for more heavy lifting.
Here is a super simple Livewire Component that mainly uses Alpine Js
Use the livewire artisan command
php artisan make:livewire navbar-dropdown
This will create two files
The blade file navbar-dropdown.blade.php. And the Livewire component NavbarDropdown.php
Below is a slightly simplified version of the component we use for main clients at Camino Dev. This code will work except for the toggle. Feel free to email us to get the final component that we use at Camino Dev.
In navbar-dropdown.blade.php use the following code.
<div x-data="{ open: false }" @keydown.escape.stop="open = false; focusButton()" @click.away="open = false;"
class="ml-3 relative">
<div class="border-transparent border-b-2 hover:border-primary-500 pb-0.5">
<button type="button" class="max-w-xs flex items-center text-sm rounded-full " id="user-menu-button" x-ref="button"
@click="open = !open">
<span class="sr-only">Open user menu</span>
{!! $avatar !!}
<div x-show="open"
class="origin-top-right absolute right-0 mt-2 w-48 rounded-md shadow-lg bg-white dark:bg-gray-700 ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none"
role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical" aria-labelledby="user-menu-button" style="display: none;">
<a wire:navigate.hover href="/profile"
class="cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 block px-4 py-2 text-sm">{{ __('Profile') }}
<span class="flex justify-between hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 px-4 py-2 text-sm">{{ __('Dark_Mode') }}
<x-input.toggle-small wire:click="save('darkMode')" id="navDarkMode" :checked="$user->setting('darkMode')" />
<a href="/logout" class="hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 block px-4 py-2 text-sm">{{ __('Sign Out') }}</a>
In the NavbarDropdown.php use the following code
namespace App\Livewire;
use Auth;
use Livewire\Component;
class NavbarDropdown extends Component
public $user;
public $avatar;
public $page;
protected $listeners = ['updateAvatar' => 'updateAvatar'];
public function mount()
$this->user = Auth::user();
$this->avatar = $this->user->avatarHtml();
public function updatedPage()
$this->dispatch('reloadAppPage', $this->page);
//Really just for dark mode
public function save($settingName, $isBoolean = 1, $settingValue = '')
if ($settingName) {
if ($isBoolean) {
$settingValue = ! $this->user->setting($settingName);
$setting = [$settingName => $settingValue];
if ($settingName == 'darkMode') {
$this->dispatch('darkModeToggle', $settingValue);
public function updateAvatar()
$this->avatar = Auth::user()->avatarHtml();
public function render()
return view('livewire.navbar-dropdown');
You can see that the above blade file has no interactivity from Livewire. We hand that off to Alpine Js. Keeping things extremely simple.
Alpine JS is undoubtedly a game-changer for developers seeking simplicity and efficiency in frontend development. Its lightweight nature, declarative syntax, and seamless integration within the TALL stack make it a compelling choice for modern web applications. By leveraging Alpine JS alongside Tailwind CSS, Laravel, and Livewire, developers can create powerful and interactive interfaces without the complexity of heavy JavaScript frameworks. So, if you're looking to streamline your frontend development in the TALL stack, give Alpine JS a try, and experience the power of simplicity firsthand.